Hamilton Pumpkin Fest

Free Event! There's plenty to do including a Trunk or Treat, Pumpkin Carving, Music, Crafts and more! Make sure to wear your costumes!!! Carved Pumpkins will be lit around Weaver Pond @ 6pm
Free Event! There's plenty to do including a Trunk or Treat, Pumpkin Carving, Music, Crafts and more! Make sure to wear your costumes!!! Carved Pumpkins will be lit around Weaver Pond @ 6pm
Essex Shipbuilding Museum hosts an afternoon of Halloween fun for kids and families! This outdoor event features a candy hunt, spooky stories, pumpkin decorating and a lot more Halloween Fun!
The Friends of the Newbury Town Library’s annual Harvest Festival is a fun day out with your family which supports the NTL! Here’s what’s happening this year:
Newburyport Parks and the Mom Comm host a fun, family event raising money for the Bartlet Mall. Activities include:
Celebrate Halloween with us! Carve a pumpkin to take home for halloween, have your face painted and take a Halloween Photos too. This event is made possible by the generous support of the Institution for Savings for providing pumpkins for this year’s Pumpkin Carving Party. Special thanks to Wolf Hill for their help.
Please join us for one of our most popular events. $5 dollars a person. This is a great time to renew your membership and you will get in FREE! The Haunted Harvest will include:
Drop the kids off for a fun night painting a ceramic skull for Halloween! Space is limited so register soon. Limited Scholarships spaces are available (Email traci@arthaven.org).
Please join us for pumpkin decorating, face painting, music, cider donuts and more! Decorated pumpkins may be left to be submitted into the MFF's Pumpkin Illumination on 10/24 (for a chance to win prizes!). Admission include everything needed to decorate a pumpkin! Hosted by the Marblehead Family Fund and the Marblehead Recreation Department.
Join the fun for the 2019 Great Salem Pumpkin Walk. Stop by The House of the Seven Gables and check out our display!
Pumpkin Fest was rained out, but there was still a chance to carve pumpkins! All carved pumpkins will be put on display at Weaver Pond in Patton Park for all to see. Come check out the spooky, the silly and the creative ways that friends and neighbors carved their Halloween Jack-o-Lanterns.