Celebrate the New Year with a Walk in the Winter Labyrinth on New Years Day, 2016 at Strawberry Hill, 56 Jeffrey's Neck Road, on Smith Island, along the Eagle Hill River. At its most basic the labyrinth is a metaphor for life's journey. The labyrinth is not a maze. There are no tricks to it and no dead ends. It has a single circuitous path that winds its way into the center. The person walking it uses the same path to return from the center and the entrance then becomes the exit. The path is in full view, which allows a person to be quiet and focus internally.
- Rubber boots strongly recommended.
- Presented by ReCreation & Culture and Ipswich Open Space.
- There is no wrong way to walk a Labyrinth
- Make of it what you will.
- The walk has three stages:
- the way In
- being center
- the way out
- Slow Down. Be Mindful.
Friday, January 1, 2016 3-4:20pm