Come race the Festivus 5k in downtown Salem Massachusetts and raise funds for the Northshore Education Consortium of Beverly to help them purchase technology to assist and educate children with autism! Festivus 5K (F5K) for Autism is a yearly Festivus-themed holiday race through historic Salem, MA. The event is sponsored by Friends of North Shore Education Consortium. To date, F5K has raised over $100,000 to help children with autism and their families. Costumes are welcome and encouraged!
- Race Fee includes a post-race party at Finz Seafood & Grill.
- 1st Male and 1st Female Overall will receive a Festivus pole trophy.
- Awards given to Top three Finishers in each category
- Male & Female, Youth (19 and under), 20-29, 30-39
- Masters (40-49)
- Senior Masters (50-59), (60-69), (70 and over).
- Best Costume Awards: Male & Female; Judging at 9:30
- GRIEVANCE CONTEST: Forms will be available at packet pickup and on race day on the bar at Finz, where they will be collected when the race starts.
The Official F5K Grievance Committee will select the best grievances. There will be a variety of prizes in store for winners. Last year, one lucky winner received a jumbo case of Junior Mints!
Festivus Explained
Festivus is a fictional holiday created for the sit-com Seinfeld. In the show the holiday is celebrated on December 23 as a tongue-in-cheek alternative to participating in the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas holiday season. Originally a family tradition of a Seinfeld script writer, the holiday entered popular culture after it was made the focus of an episode in 1997. The holiday's celebration, as it was shown on Seinfeld, includes a Festivus dinner, an unadorned aluminum Festivus pole, practices such as the Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength, and the labeling of easily explainable events as "Festivus miracles."