Mid-October is an excellent time to take in the spectacular and stunning colors provided by the Ipswich River. The riverside silver maples will be showing off their yellow-gold, while the cattails and other marsh grasses will provide beautiful greens and browns, all set against the winding blues and blacks of the river. Have your family join us for a few hours as we explore this pristine habitat via a gentle paddle in canoes. With a little luck we might encounter a beaver, otter, or muskrat as well!
- Meets in front of the Visitor Center.
- For kids 6 - 18
- Basic instruction will be provided, along with all equipment.
- Participants must be able to swim.
- A confirmation with a list of what to wear and bring will be sent.
Saturday, October 12, 2019 1-3pm
Members: Adults $18; Children $16
Non-Members: Adults: $21; Children: $19