May the 4th is commonly known as Star Wars Day. This year, Newburyport Youth Services is excited to announce that we will be holding our 2nd Annual Star Wars party from 6:00-8:30pm. Families and kids of all ages are invited to join us for some or all of this “out of this world” event. Whether with the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire… all are welcome.
We will have members of the Rec Center hosting activities and encourage you to bring your own ideas as well. If you are a parent who would like to run an activity or have a great idea, please contact us!
Throughout the evening we will have:
- Movie Scene Karaoke
- Photo Ops
- Star Wars Trivia Game- Team Trivia
- Light Saber dueling
- Star Wars Dodgeball and More...
7:30 will be our closing ceremonies where prizes will be awarded for:
- *Best family costume
- *Best individual costume youth/adult
- *Best fan outfit
May the 4th Be With You Family Star Wars Party
Pizza, Games, Trivia, Crafts Jedi Lessons and Lightsaber Battles
Thursday May 4th, 5:30-8pm @ the Rec Center
More details to follow!
Register online at www.newburyportyouthservices.com or at the Rec Center NYS Office
- See more at: https://www.newburyport.com/events-in-newburyport/#sthash.q5hFwIul.dpuf