Rowley Veterans Committee again this year will be hosting the parade. The parade will muster at 10:15 a.m. in the parking lot of the Pine Grove School and at 11:00 a.m. will kick off and march down Main Street to the Town Common. There will be a short program at the flag pole and at noon we will raise the flag to honor all Veterans.
All Veterans and groups from the Town are welcome to march in the parade. Pomodori Newburyport food truck and Three Sweet Peas will be providing food and refreshments. There will be free hot dogs for all children attending. A portion of the food and refreshments proceeds will be donated to Town of Rowley Veteran’s Committee.
The Parade Grand Marshall will be Staff Sargeant Bob Deliph Army (ret). Retiring after 24 years of service spanning 4 decades, Staff Sargeant Deliph's deployments included peacekeeping missions and two combat tours after 9-11. He was awarded a Combat Action Badge as well as numerous citations.