Pathways for Children invites you to their workshop 'The Power of Reading' in Gloucester. The focus will be on what to do to engage your child in reading and how to keep them interested. The workshop will include; the “Do’s and Don’ts" to remember when reading aloud, how to choose a great read aloud book, answers to questions parents often ask and much more.
Coffee and refreshment will be served at 8:30 am followed by an informative and compelling presentation at 9:00 am by children’s librarian and educator, Martha Morgan of Rockport. Parents/caregivers of children under the age of six can register to attend with Amy Larsen. This workshop is made possible through a MA Department of Early Childhood Education & Care grant and Pathways for Children.
NOTE: This event is not for children - it is for parents and caregivers that wish to improve their reading experiences with children.