Join us at the Cape Ann Museum Green for a free screening of the classic Gloucester film, Captains Courageous on Saturday, August 28 in partnership with the Cape Ann Community Cinema. Captains Courageous is a legendary 1937 film about a Portuguese fisherman who rescues the son of a railway tycoon after the boy fell overboard from an ocean liner. Based on Rudyard Kipling’s 1897 novel, the movie was filmed primarily in Gloucester. Photographs from the Museum’s Library & Archives document the filming.
The film will start at 7:45 p.m., and attendees are invited to bring blankets, lawn chairs, and picnic meals beginning at 7:00 p.m. Local attendees are encouraged to walk, but there will be free parking at O’Maley Middle School and a shuttle to get to the Green. Admission is free, but registration is required to ensure there is enough space for all.
Ther will be a Neighbor Reception Prior to the public screening, the Museum invites abutters of CAM Green to attend a free, catered reception from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Neighbors are being offered a free tour of the Janet & William Ellery James Center and the full CAM Green Campus. RSVPs are required for the reception. If you are an abutter of CAM Green, please email rebeccarobison@capeannmuseum.org or call 978-283-0455.