Every year, the Boston sea Rovers host a two day clinic dedicated to increasing awareness and appreciation of the marine environment, and this year there will be a day of FREE activities and demos for the kid on Sunday! Join the Sea Rovers for fun ocean related activities and presentations during the day. Admission to these special Sunday Kids Day programs for children and adults are FREE!* Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Find out How Fast Can Your Escargot Go? | 9:30am-3pm
- Just how fast can snails go? Join students from Salem State for fun snail races!
- Fossil Shark Tooth necklaces: Dr Gregory Skomal | 9:30am-10:15am
- Ecotrivia 9:45-10:15am
Get Up Close and Personal: Sea Creature Touch Tanks | 10am-2pm
- Courtesy of the New England Aquarium
Special Guests
Cephalopods with Paul Cater Deaton | 10:30-11:00am
- What is a cephalopod? Think INK! From octopus and squid to cuttlefish, learn about the amazing talents of these creatures of camouflage!
Sea Turtle 911 | 11:15am-12pm
- Every year, hundreds of juvenile sea turtles strand on the beaches of Cape Cod Bay as water temperatures drop. Why do these “cold-stunned” turtles wash ashore, and how can we help them? Amy Fleischer, Education Director at Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, will lead an interactive family program about nature of sea turtles, their life cycles, their habitats, and our role in their conservation. Hands-on, inquiry-based activities—and a turtle shells and skeletons exhibit—are sure to interest young explorers!
Glowing Creatures with Dr Charles Mazel | 1:00-1:30pm
- Some ocean creatures show amazing talents, especially at night! Why do they glow? Come find out!
Shark Diving with Peter Venoutsous | 1:45-2:15pm
- What is it like to dive with sharks? How to divers stay safe around them? Learn more about these amazing creatures.
*Please note: Tickets are required for regular Boston Sea Rovers Saturday and Sunday Daytime programs and Evening Film Festival.
Sunday, March 9, 2014 9:30am - 3:30pm