Each after school program session at Joppa Flats Education Center begins with self-guided activities, challenges, or puzzles that lead us to our topic for the day. As a group, we'll observe, investigate, and compare wildlife, their adaptations, and the changes that they undergo in autumn. Participants may play the role of entomologist, ornithologist, astronomer, or even glaciologist throughout this series. Each experience will leave your young naturalist eager for the next session. And we always end with a tasty, thematic treat that the participants make!
- This program is open to children in grades 1 through 4, aged 6-8.
- Parents are welcome to stay during this program.
- Please dress for the weather since we will go outside in all but extreme conditions.
If you will be dropping off your child, please complete and submit the health form that accompanies your registration confirmation.
Spring Series Sessions (weekly each Wednesday):
- Mar. 21, 2012: Celebrate Seals!
- Mar. 28, 2012: Surprising Seabirds!
- Apr. 4, 2012: Wonderful Whales!
- Apr. 11, 2012: Super Shorebirds!