BPL: Preschool Story Time
Pre-School: Ages 3 and older story times consist of three or four stories, songs and “stretches” and a
simple craft. Children are expected to attend without their care-giver, but the staff is flexible about this.
Pre-School: Ages 3 and older story times consist of three or four stories, songs and “stretches” and a
simple craft. Children are expected to attend without their care-giver, but the staff is flexible about this.
Pre-School: Ages 3 and older, story times consist of three or four stories, songs and “stretches” and a simple craft. Children are expected to attend without their care-giver, but the staff is flexible about this.
Toddlers: 18 Months to 3 Years. Children listen to three or four stories and participate in circle games, songs and finger plays with the librarian and their care-giver.
Toddlers: 18 Months to 3 Years. Children listen to three or four stories and participate in circle games, songs and finger plays with the librarian and their care-giver.
Books and Babies: Newborn to 18 Months - In our Books and Babies Story Time, we read simple board books and do rhymes and bounces, tickles and hugs. The purpose is to show care-givers how to use books with their babies and introduce our youngest patrons to the joy of language.
Books and Babies: Newborn to 18 Months - In our Books and Babies Story Time, we read simple board books and do rhymes and bounces, tickles and hugs. The purpose is to show care-givers how to use books with their babies and introduce our youngest patrons to the joy of language.
Sawyer Free Library invites kids to a great program that digs into their creativity! There will be lots fo great craft activities for kids to express themselves including: make your poster for the Topsfield Fair, gorw a grass head, make a dinosaur skeleton, create a jeweled turtle and more! All Ages are welcome!
Celebrate local author, illustrator and artist Virginia Lee Burton with story time, playing and art making at Sawyer Free Library. Listen to the story of [amazon 978-0395169612 inline], create your own art and then climb aboard and explore a cool construction vehicle! This is a great hands-on learning experience for children ages 2 and up!
Join this book club for second graders if you love to read and talk about stories! Based on the Great Books format, but geared explicitly for young readers, group members will read a story in advance of each month's meeting and participate in a group discussion of the story.
Mother Goose on the Loose is a program for infants through 2-year-olds that helps babies and toddlers to begin to develop pre-literacy skills through a specially formatted curriculum of stories, songs, rhymes, finger plays and large-motor activities.