Cuvilly farm animals need our support.
Each year in its annual survey, Cuvilly families are asked what they would never want to change about our preschool and that answer is always the animals.
Located in Ipswich, Massachusetts, Cuvilly is farm-based and nature-based. Cuvilly is home to many animal including four dogs, two cats, two pigs, two alpacas, three horses, one pony, one donkey, four sheep, three goats, five roosters, three geese, 10 ducks and 30 chickens. Our care and upkeep requires more money than you'd imagine.
Please consider supporting us with a pledge donation! Each and every dollar goes to feeding, sheltering and caring for us, Cuvilly's critters. Call us to learn more. 978-356-4288
In addition to labor costs, these are the expenses to keep Cuvilly animals housed, fed, safe, healthy, and happy:
$9,000. annually to feed our animals their specific diets
$14,000. annually for hay – their main food source and a necessary means of warmth
$6,500 for the year for shavings and wood pellets to keep their living quarters clean
$3,000 for the veterinarian
$4,000+ for incidentals like the following:
$1,800 for the year such for horse and donkey hoof care
$1,500 for barn / fence / paddock repair and maintenance
$375 for sheering sheep and alpacas
$300 routine medicines
Thank you for sponsoring me and for supporting my school and its animals.
Cuvilly Critters are Critical to our Curriculum
“… Animals can help children develop sensitivity to others, they offer comfort, and they can even provide a safe sounding board for secrets and feelings that children don’t share with adults.” - Patty Born Selly
Children thrive when allowed extended periods of time in the natural world. Animals – an integral part of the natural world – positively support child development. The magical and meaningful relationship children develop with animals while in preschool is a gift that lasts a lifetime.
The Cuvilly Arts & Earth Center is a ministry of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Cuvilly is dedicated to modeling ecological sustainability through programs in education, agriculture and the arts. Cuvilly strives to create a space that respects all of creation in an ecological balance. All decisions are made with this guiding principle: All of life is sacred and the diversity of life is essential for the well-being of the planet.