M is for Museum programs have been designed to introduce young visitors to museum concepts in a fun interactive setting. On the second Friday of the month at 9:30 and 10:30.
In the Wenham Museum Makery, children will explore their creativity and engineering skills.
Poppets will build and stack and play with building toys.
M is for Museum will read Scraps by Lois Ehlert and make a toy from recycled materiels.
Poppets Playdates: Ages 18 months – 3 years
Poppets Playdates – a new offering this fall, “poppets” are what the colonial children called their little cloth dolls and what adults lovingly called the children themselves. This program for toddlers 18 months to 3 years will be a sensory-rich, socialization experience. Offered from 9:30 – 10:00 am on the same days as “M is for Museum”. Location within the museum will be dependent on the activity.
M is for Museum: Ages 3 years and up
M is for Museum – Wenham Museum educators introduce young children to the world of museums in a fun interactive way, combining early literacy and socialization. Targeted to children 3 years old and up, each session will focus on a particular part of the collection, an exhibit, or a seasonal theme. Offered from 10:30 – 11:00 am on the second Friday of most months. (note: November change of date*)
Sponsored by: Coordinated Family & Community Engagement (CFCE) of Hamilton-Wenham and Manchester.
Residents of Hamilton, Wenham and Manchester: FREE Admittance with Advanced Registration through CFCE.
Group rates are available for schools and other groups.