The Manchester Mothers Club has a great fundraiser going on all month long in the towns of Manchester, Beverly, Gloucester and Essex during April! For just $20 ($25 to remain anonymous) they will send a flock of pink flamingos to decorate the location of your choice for a day. This is a lot of fun and people (especially kids) really get a laugh over being flocked! Flock your friends, relatives, coworkers or anybody that you think needs a little silly fun in their day!
This is a fundraiser for the Manchester Mother's Club, so keep that in mind when making any special requests (translates to donate extra $). A Flock consists of 10 plastic pink flamingos that will be discreetly placed at night, spend the day decorating the location, then disappear the following night! The person who is flocked doesn't have to do a thing but enjoy the fun!
Sign up today, spots are filling up quickly. You'll have fun, brighten up somebody's day and help a great local organization that's focused on building community through families!