Robots come in all shapes and sizes, but in Gloucester this June you'll be able to see demonstrations of one-of-a-kind sail boat robots! SailBot 2013 is an international robotic sailing regatta open to student teams wishing to design, build and compete robotic sailboats. SailBot 2013, the North American competition for robotic sailboats will be held in Gloucester Harbor, Massachusetts. This year's event is hosted by Olin College and the City of Gloucester and includes 19 teams, including Gloucester High School, seven other high school teams and teams from several universities.
The sailboat competition consists of multiple events and will span several days. For details of the classes and races, and a schedule (subject to change), is available using the link below. The schedule consists of morning and afternoon sessions, including races and demonstrations, and will run for 5 days.
Sailbot Testing in Boston Harbor