This parent/child program is designed for the creative, curious, and active preschooler. Each 90-minute session offers a structured series of activities including original songs, movement, dramatic play, hands-on science, and a thematic snack. You'll receive coloring pages, song lyrics, vocabulary, a fun fact sheet, and a suggested reading list in an electronic goody bag! This week we'll be focusing on how animals and other creatures keep warm in the wild.
This is an active indoor program for ages 3-6 and a favorite grown-up. Come learn about how animals get ready for surving the Winter cold and stay warm.
- For kids aged 3-6
- Please Register
- Please call to check for availability and to preregister
- Please understand that walk-ins may have to be turned away if the program is full.
Friday, December 10, 2016 9:30-11pm
Audubon Member: $6; Non-Member: $8
Non-Member: Adults: $8; Kids: $7