In this spring session of the program based on the hit book series The Hunger Games, we will continue to learn the skills necessary to survive in the wild. Navigation in the woods can be tough, and finding edible foods can be even tougher. Didn't you walk by that tree already?
Which of those plants is the edible arrowhead (also known as katniss) and which is the poisonous arrow arum? Learn to use a map and compass in a race against time to locate edible food, clean water, and make shelter in the woodlands of the sanctuary. Knowledge of the book is not needed, just a strong survival instinct!
- For teens 13-15; kids ages 11 or 12, please call our office to register.
- Meets in the Barn.
- Please dress for the weather.
- Register by phone or mail
Saturday, May 10, 2014 1:30-3:30pm
Members: $8
Non-Members: $10