The elusive fairies and gnomes who live in our forest are sometimes too busy to build their own homes. Let's help them out. But first, we'll learn about these mysterious and magical creatures. We'll play games, create fairy and gnome art, and then hike to the Hemlock Forest where we will design the homes. When we return as twilight is descending, we'll have hot cocoa and cookies to reward ourselves for doing a good deed. We'll sit by the woodstove to enjoy our treats and listen to a story about fairies and gnomes.
- Please dress for the weather since most of our time will be spent outdoors.
- Suitable for children ages 4-6 yrs
Registration Required:
- Register by phone with a Credit Card
- To register by mail use this form
Sunday, October 21, 2012 4-6 pm
Members: Adult: $7; Children: $6
Non-Member: Adult: $9; Children: $7