Kids in Grades 6-12 are invited to NPL for babysitter training! Would you like to learn babysitting skills? If you are 11-18 years old come and attend our 4-H Babsitters Course! Participants will come to understand the responsibilities of babysitting and learn the skills needed to become good babysitters. Teens will develop confidence in handling situations they may encounter when babysitting. Upon completion of this course, you will receive a Babysitter’s ID card and a certificate of completion.
The course will prepare you to become a capable, caring, and responsible babysitter; and teach babysitting safety and responsibilities along with fun activities. A 4-H babysitting manual and first aid supplies will be provided.
To register, or if you have any questions, please contact the library's Reference Desk at 978-465-4428 ext. 242 or in person.
This workshop is full. Please contact the Reference Desk to add your name to the waitlist. Participants on the waitlist will be notified when another workshop is scheduled.