Take Your Child to the Library Day!

Come to Beverly Library for a special story time featuring Corduroy by Don Freeman! There's also a special raffle for a chance to win a Corduroy plush and a copy of [amazon:978-0140501735:inline].
Come to Beverly Library for a special story time featuring Corduroy by Don Freeman! There's also a special raffle for a chance to win a Corduroy plush and a copy of [amazon:978-0140501735:inline].
Sponsored by the Friends as well as by a grant from the Newbury Cultural Council, Family Sprouts Music Program gathers kids and families together here at the Newbury Town Library, and provides opportunities for children of different ages to learn and interact with each other. Each session includes active music making designed to elicit different responses from the children based on their cognitive, social and physical skills. Family Sprouts is for children under five and is perfect for families with more than one child. Online Registration Required as Space is limited
Dads bring their kids to the library for story time, music & movement, crafts and of course donuts and light refreshments too! Free for children and their dad, stepdad, grandpa, uncle, mentor and so on! This program is a collaboration with CFCE of the North Shore and the Peabody Institute Library of Danvers
Dads & Donuts is a story time designed especially for dads and children ages 2 and up. You don't have to be a dad either. Moms, grandparents, or partners - everyone is welcome to attend and eat delicious sticky donuts. The event will be held in the children's room. Snacks will follow 30 minutes of stories based around the theme of Fractured Fairytales! Enjoy stories with donuts, juice and coloring to follow.