The Speech-Language Department at Beverly Hospital will conduct free pediatric speech/language screenings in their outpatient clinic through the month of October for children 18 months to six years of age.
The free screenings will take place in the Speech-Language Therapy Outpatient Clinic at Beverly Hospital, directly on Herrick Street in Beverlyby appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please call 978-816-2690. Please feel free to e-mail jcarroll@nhs-healthlink.org with any questions or comments.
The speech/language screening will take approximately 30 minutes to identify if a child is developmentally appropriate in terms of their speech, language or feeding skills. If your child qualifies for further evaluation, a Speech/Language Pathologist will assist you in scheduling a comprehensive speech/language evaluation.
Speech and language development in children may vary across children with and without the presence of disorders. Speech therapy offers a wide variety of services including articulation (speech) therapy, receptive language (ability to understand language), expressive language, memory, auditory processing skills, reading/writing, social skills and feeding/swallowing skills. Licensed speech-language pathologists have experience with a wide variety of patients across the life span. Early identification and intervention is key!