In Y swim lessons, participants learn and practice new swimming skills. They feel a sense of achievement from mastering something new that they can enjoy the rest of their lives. In addition, the ability to swim is important for a child’s safety, especially in our North Shore communities where beaches, ponds, pools and boats are all around us. Learning these skills can begin at a very early age, through our Y parent/child swim lessons.
Starting around six months old, infants can set the course to a life long love of swimming alongside their parent or caregiver. The classes are fun and interactive for all involved, with games and songs for little ones to enjoy. The goal is to get both parent and child comfortable in the water, teach the foundation skills necessary for swimming success and let parents enjoy some bonding time with their child. It’s also a great way for families to make social connections with one another.
Y swim lessons are progressive, meaning children will move up through several levels on their way to full independence in the water. As time goes on and their ability level grows, children start moving independently through the water under their parent’s guidance, blowing bubbles, kicking, paddling and making a splash, in preparation to work independently with an instructor. Eventually children are ready to swim solo and join our preschool swim lessons around the age of 3.
The foundation of parent/child swim lessons allows children to build their confidence around the water while learning an important skill for their safety. Without fear of swimming, they will continue to enjoy this fun and refreshing activity throughout their lives.
Parent/child swim lessons are available at all YMCA of the North Shore locations: Cape Ann YMCA (Gloucester), Greater Beverly YMCA, Ipswich Family YMCA, Haverhill YMCA, Lynch/van Otterloo YMCA (Marblehead) and Salem YMCA.
Visit http://www.northshoreymca.org/programs to find and register for a swim program.