ACT Theater Company

Registration is open for the ACT Jr. and ACT Kids Summer Educational Programs. The summer show for ACT Jr. is the new musical, Addams Family, and the ACT Kids show is HONK! These great summer theater camp programs which feature classes in acting, dance, and music as well as technical theater with talented staff and professionals.

About the ACT Kids Program:

This is a three week theater intensive program, in which the students not only rehearse for the show, but also receive theater education from professional teachers with degrees in music, dance, and theater. No other program can boast the same. The program culminates with a full scale performance of the musical, Honk Jr., which will feature all students from the program.

About the ACT Jr Program:

This is a four week theater intensive program, in which the students not only rehearse for the show, but also receive theater education from professional teachers with degrees in music, dance, and theater. No other program can boast the same. The program culminates with a full scale performance of the musical, Addams Family, which will feature all students from the program.

Details and registration information at

Class size is limited so register today! Registration closes on June 15th!

800.838.3006 x.1
ACT Jr.: $950
ACT Kids: $650
On the Web
Appleton Farms in Ipswich Massachusetts offers farm-based Summer Programs for kids ages 5-15