Promise the Children is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established in 1999. We recruit volunteers who will work together and advocate for the funding of public and private programs that support U.S. children and their families who earn low wages.
We offer information and action alerts for your consideration regarding the preservation of the safety net subsidies that our low-earning families depend on. These include early education, childcare, food stamps, health care and more. Information and action alerts are posted on our website News page, and on our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.
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1. Public School Funding: Make sure that state funding for your public schools is up-to-date. In Massachusetts we have to urge our state legislators to fund all our schools fairly.
2. Early Childhood Education and Childcare For All: Please let your elected officials know that all of our children need an ambitious investment in early education and childcare now. Ask your elected officials: “How do you plan to give all children access to quality early education and childcare?”
3. Gun Safety: Many teenagers around the country have marched for improved gun safety. Are gun owners licensed in your state? Are military weapons banned? Do salespeople have access to a list of violent people who should not be sold guns? Let your local legislators know your opinion on gun sales.
4. Food Stamps: In 2019 our food stamp program faces severe cuts as well as a job requirement to receive funding. Many parent(s) are working part-time jobs and cannot earn a living wage. In addition, the jobs may be seasonal or otherwise temporary. These workers depend on food stamps when they may not be working. Even when working, they may depend on food stamps to feed their families.
Sign Our Petition: Protect Our Food Stamp Program
5. Healthcare: All children and their parent(s) should have access to healthcare when they work at low-paying jobs or are temporarily laid off. Congress is discussing a job requirement to be eligible for this assistance. Low-income families have so many hoops to jump through to gain access to healthcare, and this requirement might prevent access. Consider whether you think a job requirement helps when a parent has a sick child, and voice your opinion to your state-wide legislators.
6. Shattering the Lives of Families: The lives of immigrant families are being shattered by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Even when parent(s) are paying taxes and fully supporting their families, they may be detained or deported. No path for citizenship is under consideration by Congress. Sadly, when these individuals are arrested by ICE, their citizen children are referred to state child welfare organizations and placed in foster care or in private, unregulated detention centers across the U.S. Urge Congress to regulate these detention centers and provide education, health care and appropriate activities.
Contact Congress: To find your legislators’ contact information, visit Call My Congress and enter your zip code. You’ll then receive contact information for your federally elected officials. Here are more ways to get in touch with your federal, state and local elected leaders.
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