Ice Queen Cosplay Princess Parties & Breanna's Princess Parties are co-hosting a fundraiser, because we want to help Boston Children’s continue its amazing work for kids. Stop by and visit Disney Princesses for a Meet & Greet, story times, sing-a-longs, and more! There are expected to be about 20 characters in attendance including Iron Man, Wonder Woamn and Spider Man! 100% of the profit from this event will be donated to Boston Children's Hospital! Tickets will be $10 at the door. There will also be a silent auction.
- The hospital's patient care programs are remarkably sensitive to what sick and injured children and their families really need.
- Researchers regularly make amazing discoveries that change children's lives.
- Boston Children's welcomes kids whose families can't afford health care—more than any other hospital in Massachusetts.
- Community programs make a point of reaching out to help low-income and at-risk kids.
And the hospital doesn't just stop there. Boston Children's truly understands the importance of training the next generation of top pediatricians and nurses, so they can continue to provide the best, most innovative care possible to kids.
Please support our fundraiser—and Boston Children’s Hospital.