Join us at our Danvers Campus Open House and learn why NSCC is the perfect fit for you.
NSCC is ranked best in MA and among nation top colleges for adult learners.
North Shore Community College has ranked at the highest levels for flexibility of programs, ease of transfer and services for adult students by Washington Monthly magazine’s annual College Guide and Rankings.
Find out about low-cost Associates to Bachelor’s Degrees.
NSCC’s tuition and fees are $3,225 per semester for a full-time student. For many students, financial aid covers the cost of tuition and fees at NSCC. Compare to other schools!
Earn college credit while still in high school.
Motivated high school and home school students don’t have to wait to begin their college experience.
Because you can start here and go anywhere.
NSCC transfer programs to 4-year colleges and universities can cut the cost of earning a bachelor’s degree in half. See where you can go from here!
The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education accredits North Shore Community College. NEASC and its Commission are recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a reliable authority regarding the quality of education.