The Generation Games is about people of all ages having a good time playing sports and games together. Playing together has been found to not only promote a healthier society but also helps create understanding. Play is a great equalizer - it doesn’t matter who or what you are, where you come from, or how much money you make. It just matters that you are having fun and learning from the experience. The motto of the Generation Games is “by generations, for generations.” It has a focus on recreation and sport for all, health, education and social issues. Any city can make use of the creative concept: it is shared with cities worldwide. The Generation Games is all about community engagement and international connectivity.
Generation Games Preview
Generation Games is an inter-generational, worldwide community sports event where everyone can participate. The venue is designed in a way that allows people of all ages and abilities to experience new and traditional sports in a festive environment. The event is about generations sharing and learning from each other. In 2017, Salem became the only city in North America to host the Generation Games! On Saturday, February 2, 2019, the Generation will be back in Salem for the 3rd straight year. The games will once again take place @Salem State University. The Salem 2019 edition will offer clinics as well as many other activities and sports.