North Shore Kid has developed THE tool for parents searching for the right camp or summer program for their child. The North Shore Kid 2012 Summer Program & Camp Guide is a camp resource that will be constantly updated as we discover new information about Summer Programs and Camps on the North Shore. It is an easy-to-use, searchable, extensive resource online that includes:
- Featured camps
- Stories about camps and summer programs
- A proximity search that will list camps within a radius that you determine based on a zip code you enter.
- A category cloud that will list camps in that category when you click it.
Our guide includes many camps and summer programs from the North Shore of Massachusetts, Cape Ann, Boston and beyond. Our listings typically include information like a synopsis of the camp and its location (with a map on the click through). Additional information includes contact phone numbers & emails, website links, registration download links, Facebook pages and twitter links. We have also put a lot of work into our tagging system in an effort to help parents focus or expand their searches based on program activities and philosophies. Listings range from focused sports camps to typical day camp settings to high tech computer summer programs to island camps!
Check it out here at http://northshorekid.com/camps or use the 'Camps' link the our header