Hamilton Wenham Youth Soccer is excited to begin providing referee training for our league. The 5-week Town Referee Training program will prepare participants for refereeing intramural games and to be an Assistant Referee in town travel games. Additionally, it will prepare participants for official USSF referee certification. This is a helpful but non-mandatory step to achieving USSF certification for 13 or 14 years olds interested in getting an early start as a referee & provide a new perspective on the game if they are players already.
Time Commitment: 5-week program starting Saturday 10/13, 8:30-10 at Pingree Park
Equipment Needed: HWYSA hopes to provide a loaner kit (whistle, pinnie, stopwatch)
- Certification Level: this will allow you to referee intramural games and we hope be an Assistant Referee for ECYSA Town Travel games in the Spring (latter pending ECYSA approval)
- Pay: Intramural games: $15/game and Assistant Referee for ECYSA $20/game (pending ECYSA approval). Once you achieve USSF Certification U10 games pay $30/game, U12 and up pay $35-45/game!
There are some details that we are still working out but if you think your child may be interested please reach out to HYSA Director of Referee Development, Ana Wacker, at anasofia.wacker@gmail.com.