April Vacation Camp at Acera
Welcome to Acera’s April Vacation Camp!
Learn how to draw and explore in Virtual Reality, discover the art and science of cooking, create your own critter bot, and more! You can browse our offerings by SCHEDULE or by PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS, via the tabs above. Below you will find details about logistics and our approach. Questions? Contact us at office@aceraschool.org
Register for Acera’s April Vacation Camps
Acera Vacation Camp, April 16-19, 2019.
- AM session: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (students should bring a snack, lunch optional)
- PM session: 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. (students should bring a snack, lunch optional)
- Full day: 8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. (students should bring 2 snacks and a lunch)
- Half Day: $70
- Full Day: $130
Limited financial aid is available and awarded based on demonstrated need. Please email us at summercamp@aceraschool.org to request a Scholarship Application.
Our Approach
At Acera, we believe that deep exploration of STEAM subjects should begin early. Our hands-on learning environment allows elementary and middle school children to nurture their natural desire to inquire, create, and innovate; and experiment with content and concepts usually reserved for older students–or not introduced during K-12 school years at all.
With emphases on critical thought, creative problem solving, and integration of content areas, our programs inspire all types of learners and thinkers. Students discover engineering, biotechnology, math, arts, theater, design, electronics, music, chemistry, physics, teamwork, friendships — and who they are: as individuals, learners, and collaborators.
What to Expect
Our STEAM Learning Lab is designed to challenge students of all ages and learning styles. Participants should expect to tackle difficult, enticing problems, individually and in groups. They should anticipate taking the time to incorporate new techniques as they create unique works of art or design experimental protocols or novel engineering solutions.
Questions? Contact us at office@aceraschool.org or 781-729-3489.
For a Full information, scheduling and online registration, visit our website