Hamilton-Wenham Public Library's 6th Annual Teen Poetry Contest
2016 Theme: Glass or have an associative metaphor such as: reflection, transparency, shatter, window, mirror, etc.
Open to teens in grades 6 to 12, who are residents of Essex County in Massachusetts.
Two cash prize winning categories:
grades 6-8
grades 9-12
Honorable Mentions
Contest ends on April 30, 2016. Finalists will be notified by phone or email.
Poetry Contest Reception will be Thursday, May, 12, 2016.
Please read the following rules carefully, poems that do not adhere to rules may be disqualified.
Contest is open to teens in grades 6 to 12.
Poem's author must be a resident of Essex County, in Massachusetts.
Poem entries must be original work.
Maximum of 3 poems per author may be entered.
Poem must incorporate the theme of glass.
(Judges will deduct points from poems that do not have technology as the theme of the poem.)
All poems must be submitted on or before midnight April 30, 2016.
Each poem must have a title.
An entry form must be filled out for EACH poem submitted.
All winners and honorable mentions are required to read or recite their poem aloud at the Poetry Contest Reception on Thursday, May 12, 2016, at 7 PM. Your poem will be disqualified if you are not able to attend the reception. Please do not submit a poem if you will not be able to attend the reception. Winning poems will be published on the Library's Informed Teens blog and in local newspaper(s).
Poetry Contest Reception:
Thursday, May 12, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
The featured speaker at the 2016 Poetry Contest Reception will be Nancy Henry.