Mo Willems is the go-to author for children and their parents and he's the most famous man in the literary world, if you are under three feet tall. He'll be at the The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art Saturday, July 21st for a book signing, movie premier screening of his new films and a Q&A.
Films include:
- Knuffle Bunny Free: An Unexpected Diversion
- Edwina The Dinosaur Who Didn’t Know She Was Extinct.
Book signing to follow.
Mo Willems Signing Guidelines:
- Only one book from home. He will sign unlimited books from The Carle Bookshop.
- No board books
- No products
I usually take the summer off, but this July 21st I'm happy to be visiting the The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst MA for the World premier Screening of KNUFFLE BUNNY FREE and EDWINA THE DINOSAUR THAT DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS EXTINCT with Q&A and Book Signing.
The festivities begin at 10:30 am.
I hope you'll drop by if you're in the area. I'm really happy with both films for different reasons. Knuffle Bunny Free is sweet, lovingly animated by Karen Villarreal with a surprise live-action appearance by the family. Edwina the Dinosaur is hilariously animated by Pete List with an insane track by Scotty Huff and very funny narration by Cher Willems. These are my 7th and 8th short films with Weston Woods and each has been a joy to make.
I'll be around to answer questions about my films and books and more films will be screened as I sign. Should be a real fun summer day!
The mission of The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, a non-profit organization in Amherst, MA, is to inspire a love of art and reading in young children through picture books. The only full-scale museum of its kind in the United States, The Carle collects, preserves, presents, and celebrates picture books and picture book illustrations from around the world. In addition to underscoring the cultural, historical, and artistic significance of picture books and their art form, The Carle offers educational programs that provide a foundation for arts integration and literacy.
Mo Willems