This year’s IN-PERSON walk will take place on Sunday, June 26, 2022. This 1 or 2 mile or 5K non-competitive Walk will take us virtually through beautiful Endicott Park and Glen Magna Farms or wherever you are walking and end with a family picnic and celebration. We are giving away lots of prizes before, during, and even after the Walk, so watch our social media pages for the fun!
2022 Walk-Day Schedule:
- 9:30a - on-site registration and check-in begins
- 10:15a - Welcome: Opening remarks and pre-walk stretches co-presented via social media live stream;
- 10:30a - Heart hero ceremony with video co-presentation via live stream;
- 10:45a - Heart angel remembrance ceremony with video co-presentation via live stream;
- 11:00a - Walkers are encouraged to start and complete their walks; virtual walkers are encouraged to send us pictures, videos, etc.;
- 12-2:00p - In-person teams enjoy family picnic and activities;
- * Fresh fruit, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, ice cream, cupcakes, snow cones, cotton candy, popcorn, water
- * Face Painting, Balloon Art; Craft activities; Curious Creatures (1pm)
- 2:15pm - Scholarship winner announcements, raffle drawing, and closing remarks
All activities are FREE, but PLEASE REGISTER (Registration won't close until 11:59pm on June 25) so we can provide enough fun for everyone.
* All CHD heroes will receive a free event t-shirt, as well as a special event medal. Siblings will also receive a special surprise.
** Our parking entrance is in the BACK of the Park this year. Use 29 Ingersoll Street, Danvers, MA as your GPS address **