Celebrating its six year anniversary, Brookwood’s 4 to 14 Speaker Series: Parenting Elementary School Kids is pleased to welcome writers of note who will once again speak to parents on issues of parenting, raising healthy children, and navigating the ups and downs of family life.
Mark your calendars for our next 4 to 14 Speaker Series event when we host bestselling author Richard Louv on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 and are now available.
Tickets are $10 and are now on sale.
In Vitamin N, Louv delivers another powerful call to action—500 ways to enrich the health and happiness of families and communities and combat Nature Deficit Disorder. In this practical guidebook, Louv provides tips for parents on sharing nature with their kids as well as inspirations for educators, medical professionals and career seekers.
Well known for the term "Nature-Deficit Disorder," which he coined in his bestselling book Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv sparked a national debate that spawned an international movement to reconnect kids and nature. He influenced not only the public perspective but also national policy and inspired campaigns across the country.
Mr. Louv's September 27 talk promises to be thought provoking and informative and a full house is expected. Get your tickets today!
About the 4 to 14 Speaker Series
Now in its sixth year, Brookwood’s 4 to 14 Speaker Series: Parenting Elementary School Kids is pleased to welcome writers of note who will once again speak to parents on issues of parenting, raising healthy children, and navigating the ups and downs of family life.
By working in partnership with Brookwood School teachers, Brookwood hopes that parents will explore the many ways in which to encourage children to take responsibility for their own success in school and in life. Attending parent/teacher education events like the 4 to 14 Speaker Series program a way to share a common understanding of the latest child development research.
Located on the Beverly-Manchester line just minutes from Route 128, Brookwood School is a co-ed day school for students in grades Pre-K through 8. The address is One Brookwood Road, Manchester, MA.