Come to Cruiseport Gloucester to Cape Ann Art Haven 's biggest fundraiser of the year! This a spirited night of fundraising and family fun to support our organization. We'll have crafts for kids, light refreshments, a cash bar and a slideshow presentation from Buoy Painting and the Tree Lighting.
Pick Up the Buoy Your Child Painted
- We'll have everyone's name and buoy number at the door and volunteers to help find your buoy. Buoys can be collected with the purchase of a ticket at the door. See ticket info below.
Special Gallery Preview
- Get a sneak peak of the buoys painted by local artists at the Charles Fine Arts Gallery on Main Street. Bidding begins at the Opening Reception and continues through the night of the Auction. See below for more information.
Silent and Live Auction
- Come see the buoys created by local artists. You are welcome to bid! Don't miss the fun. Mystery auctioneer to be announced!
Tickets for the Event
- Tickets are $15 at the door for adults. Free admittance for children.
- Present your ticket to pick up your child's buoy. Limit one buoy per ticket.
- Additional buoys, $5 per buoy
Friday, January 25, 2019 5-8pm