The Phoenix School Summer Adventures

The Phoenix School Summer Adventures Summer Programs for NorthShore Kids

The Phoenix School Summer Program 2014 - We pick up where other camps leave off!
Summer Adventures @ Phoenix are offered at the beginning and the end of the summer. From outdoor exploration of natural habitats to the real world excitement of technology and the arts, come spend some of your summer with The Phoenix School. Summer Adventures at Phoenix is a series of week long programs held for two weeks at the end of June and the last two weeks in August.

For children who are entering 1st through 6th grade and Teen Leadership opportunities for children 12-14 years of age

Beginning of summer: June 16-20, June 23-27
End of summer: August 18-22, August 25-29
Hours: From 8:30am-3pm, Option for Extended Day until 5pm

Register at Phoenix School Summer Program

Teen Leadership Program

June 17-21, June 24-28,
August 19-23, August 26-30, 2013
For 12 – 14 year-olds
Hours: 8:30 to 5:00

The Teen Leadership Program (TLC) is for young people who are too old for formal summer programs, too young for a formal job, but interested in spending a week assisting our course teachers in the field or engineering/inventions, mentoring younger children, helping out with the activities for the day, supervising recess or play at the park. TLCs will be given special assignments by their directing teacher and be responsible for various odd jobs that make the course run smoothly.

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